Why can't we have free health care in America?

Why can't we have free health care in America?

Mar, 31 2023| 0 Comments

Health care in America is an expensive and complex issue. With the cost of health care rising, why can't Americans have access to free health care? Unfortunately, the reality is that providing free health care to everyone in the country is not feasible. The cost of providing health care coverage to all Americans is simply too high. Furthermore, there are other issues such as lack of resources and infrastructure that prevent the implementation of a free health care system. Additionally, the current system of insurance-based coverage has been in place for decades, making a complete overhaul of the system difficult and costly. Ultimately, while free health care in America would be ideal, the reality is that it is not feasible at this time.

Why do many Americans seem to be against free health care?

Why do many Americans seem to be against free health care?

Mar, 25 2023| 0 Comments

Many Americans appear to be against free health care due to the potential for government overreach and potential for abuse. They worry that such a system would lead to higher taxes, decreased quality of care, and a lack of choice. Additionally, some feel that free health care may lead to a lack of personal responsibility and government intrusion into their personal lives. Others are concerned that it would lead to a larger federal bureaucracy, increased healthcare costs, and an overall decrease in the quality of care. Finally, some believe that free health care would be unfair to those who already have health insurance, as they would no longer be able to choose their own coverage. While free health care has its benefits, there are also legitimate concerns that should be considered.